
อาจารย์ ดร.พุทธรักษ์ ชมนันติ

  ระดับปริญญาตรี 2546 Bachelor’s degree of Science from Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture   Chiang Mai University
  ระดับปริญญาโท 2549 Master’s degree of Science from Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture   Chiang Mai University
  ระดับปริญญาเอก 2555 Doctor of Philosophy, School of Science   Mae Fah Luang University

1.      Field research including plant disease, plot and collecting endophytic and, saprobic fungi
2.      Fungal taxonomy, fungal isolation, identification, fungal cultures
3.      Identification of Dothideomycetes by observes the morphological characteristic.
4.      Molecular biology including technique of DNA extraction from mycelium and fruitbody, PCR techniques, DNA sequencing, DNA bar coding
5.      Phylogenetic analysis of fungal.
6.      Digital imaging of fungi
7.      Immunology techniques, ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA), Western blot1.      Field research including plant disease, plot and collecting endophytic and, saprobic fungi
2.      Fungal taxonomy, fungal isolation, identification, fungal cultures
3.      Identification of Dothideomycetes by observes the morphological characteristic.
4.      Molecular biology including technique of DNA extraction from mycelium and fruitbody, PCR techniques, DNA sequencing, DNA bar coding
5.      Phylogenetic analysis of fungal.
6.      Digital imaging of fungi
7.      Immunology techniques, ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA), Western blot1.      Field research including plant disease, plot and collecting endophytic and, saprobic fungi
2.      Fungal taxonomy, fungal isolation, identification, fungal cultures
3.      Identification of Dothideomycetes by observes the morphological characteristic.
4.      Molecular biology including technique of DNA extraction from mycelium and fruitbody, PCR techniques, DNA sequencing, DNA bar coding
5.      Phylogenetic analysis of fungal.
6.      Digital imaging of fungi
7.      Immunology techniques, ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA), Western blot1.      Field research including plant disease, plot and collecting endophytic and, saprobic fungi
2.      Fungal taxonomy, fungal isolation, identification, fungal cultures
3.      Identification of Dothideomycetes by observes the morphological characteristic.
4.      Molecular biology including technique of DNA extraction from mycelium and fruitbody, PCR techniques, DNA sequencing, DNA bar coding
5.      Phylogenetic analysis of fungal.
6.      Digital imaging of fungi
7.      Immunology techniques, ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA), Western blot
1.      Field research including plant disease, plot and collecting endophytic and, saprobic fungi
2.      Fungal taxonomy, fungal isolation, identification, fungal cultures
3.      Identification of Dothideomycetes by observes the morphological characteristic.
4.      Molecular biology including technique of DNA extraction from mycelium and fruitbody, PCR techniques, DNA sequencing, DNA bar coding
5.      Phylogenetic analysis of fungal.
6.      Digital imaging of fungi
7.      Immunology techniques, ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA), Western blot1.      Field research including plant disease, plot and collecting endophytic and, saprobic fungi
2.      Fungal taxonomy, fungal isolation, identification, fungal cultures
3.      Identification of Dothideomycetes by observes the morphological characteristic.
4.      Molecular biology including technique of DNA extraction from mycelium and fruitbody, PCR techniques, DNA sequencing, DNA bar coding
5.      Phylogenetic analysis of fungal.
6.      Digital imaging of fungi
7.      Immunology techniques, ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA), Western blot

วงศ์วานวิวัฒนาการ ความหลากหลายทางชีวภาพและฤทธิ์ทางชีวภาพของราในสกุล Dothideomycetes
รวมทั้งหมด 1เรคคอร์ด 1หน้า : 1  

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